Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs Nodyn:Erthyglau newydd

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia

Deb: is this something you're okay doing, or is it good if I dive in when I see new articles being created, too? Marnanel 16:57, 28 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

I bwy mae'r rhestr: y golygyddion neu'r darllennydd?[golygu cod]

Mi rwyt ti wrthi'n brysur iawn Deb - boed 2009 yn flwyddyn fantastig i ti! Cwestiwn i'w ystyried: ai gwell ydyw peidio a chynnwys pob erthygl ar y rhestr yma hyd nes eu bod nhw wedi cael eu cywiro a'u ehangu ychydig? Dim ond cwestiwn! Weithiau mi rydwi'n taflu pethau'n fler tra bo nhw'n ffres yn y meddwl, ac yna'n parhau gyda'r erthygl ar ol wythnos (neu fis!!!) neu ddwy. Eto, efallai mai pwrpas y rhestr ydy tynnu sylw rhywun at erthyglau i'w cywiro! Llywelyn2000 17:25, 2 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]

Mae hynny'n gwestiwn teg. Ar gyfer darllenwyr/ymwelwyr i'r wefan mae'r rhestr yn bennaf, am ei bod yn ymddangos ar y dudalen flaen (Hafan). Ar hyn o bryd does gennym ni ddim canllawiau ar gyfer dewis erthyglau. Dwi'n meddwl fod pawb yn fodlon ar i Deb wneud y gwaith achos, yn un peth, mae'n anodd i bobl sy'n cyfrannu'n gyson fod yn ddiduedd (ew, dwi wedi sgwennu erthygl dda rwan, beth am rhoi hi ar y rhestr?!). Dwi'n cytuno ynglŷn â'r safon. Does dim disgwyl i'r erthygl fod yn berffaith ond mae'n dipyn o embaras weithiau gweld erthyglau byr a blêr yn cael eu gosod ar y rhestr - mae pawb yn gweld y rhestr ar y dudalen flaen ac yn fwy tebyg o'u darllen nag unrhyw beth arall sydd yma, felly mae'n gallu rhoi argraff gwael i bobl (a phigo ein cydwybod i wella a chywirio erthygl pan fo gennym ni bethau eraill i'w gnweud efallai). Canllaw byr, syml ac eglur yw'r ateb, efallai.
ON Dylai'r person sy'n dewis yr erthygl siecio ei hanes hefyd i wneud yn siwr ei bod yn erthygl newydd (h.y. o fewn y dyddiau diwethaf): cafodd yr ychwanegiad diweddaraf - Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - ei chreu dros flwyddyn yn ôl, er enghraifft. Anatiomaros 17:59, 2 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Boed i bawb sy'n sgwennu a dewis ystyried dy sylwadau, Anatiomaros, cyn i'r bys daro'r botwm y bysell! Mae job Deb yn un anodd hefyd. Llywelyn2000 22:55, 2 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Ydy, dim yn dasg hawdd o gwbl. Mae cael amrywiaeth yn ystyriaeth arall wrth gwrs. Dwi'n tueddu i sgwennu am feirdd a hanes ayyb ond mae angen dangos ar y rhestr ein bod yn wyddoniadur cynhwysfawr. Anatiomaros 23:57, 2 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
I fear I have to respond in English. Obviously any of you are free to edit this page any time. I just try to keep it up-to-date because it looks good for visitors if we seem to be doing something. So I just look through the list of recent changes and try to keep the list of new articles on the home page varied. If I tried to include every new article, there would be a preponderance of biographies and place names. There's not meant to be any suggestion that a Welsh-language rock group, for example, is particularly famous just because it's included in Erthyglau Newydd. They all drop off the end after a couple of weeks in any case. Deb 11:46, 3 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Thanks for the response, Deb. First of all, I hope you realise that the points raised above are general ones and in no way directed at you personally: we know each other too well for that and furthermore the task of selecting "erthyglau newydd" is not an easy one. I agree with you about the need for variety, ideally, and that was the point I made above rather than saying that every new article should be included (obviously nearly impossible). And I agree with your comment on notability as well; the list does not imply being "famous". We have no real guidelines, as I noted, but I'm sure I speak for us all when I say that I'm happy to see you making the choice for the reason given above: with the best will in the world it would be very difficult for those of us who regularly write articles to choose without accepting that one of their articles should not be chosen, even if it happens to be clearly the most original and interesting. All these considerations are details though. The main points I made for criteria were these:
1. Even if the subject is original etc we should avoid placing short stubs of just c. 50-100 words on the list as I think this could give a bad impression to casual visitors if it's the first thing they see (I'm not saying only "full articles" should go there, as we have relatively few of those).
2. Some articles chosen in the past have been full of bad grammar and spelling mistakes, which again gives a bad impression and means one of us feels obliged to spend some time correcting them (I realise you can't always spot that, of course).
3. The articles should actually be new, created within the last few days or so. The latest addition, Clwb Winx sounded familiar so I checked the history and find it was created nearly three years ago (18 Chwefror 2006). The simplest solution would be to use the Arbennig:NewPages list rather than Arbennig:RecentChanges.
Hope that clears things up: my comments - and Llywelyn's - were general considerations for discussion and not in any way whatsoever a personol criticism of one of our longest-serving and valued editors. Rydym i gyd yn gwethfawrogi dy waith yma, Deb. Anatiomaros 20:57, 16 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Oh, my mistake, I thought Clwb Winx sounded familiar too. I always check "Hanes" first, but I must have misread it. And if I put any on that have bad grammar, etc, in them, please remove them! Deb 23:49, 16 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch Deb, dim ond un neu ddau o bysgod bach, bach sy'n mynd drwy'r rhwyd! Dim beirniadaeth arnat ti. Mae diffiniad Anatoamaros yn bwysig, yn gryno ac yn gywir - yn fy marn bach i. Diolch i bawb; drwy weithio gyda'n gilydd mae pethe'n gwella. Llywelyn2000 00:11, 17 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch. Deb 00:27, 17 Ionawr 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae 'Siars y Dduwies' yn llawn o gangymeriadau ac angen ei chywiro (ond does gen i ddim amynedd!) Wnei di ei dileu o'r rhestr ogydd. Llywelyn2000 20:07, 8 Ebrill 2009 (UTC)[ateb]
Ia, rwyt ti'n iawn. Dim rhaid darllen y cwbl i weld hynny. Cymraeg garbwl a honiadau digon amheus hefyd! Yn absenoldeb Deb wna'i dynnu'r ethygl o'na fy hun (mater arall ydy ychwanegu un - gwell gadael hynny i Deb). Anatiomaros 20:22, 8 Ebrill 2009 (UTC)[ateb]

Haneru hon?[golygu cod]

Dw i'n teimlo fod y rhestr yn rhy hir o'r hanner!

  • 1. Mae'n llenwi'r Hafan, yn wahanol i bob iaith arall, hyd y gwelaf.
  • 2. Mae'r erthyglau arni am gyfnod rhy hir - dydy nhw ddim yn "Erthyglau Newydd" ar ôl tri mis!

Beth yw eich barn? Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 06:09, 20 Gorffennaf 2012 (UTC)[ateb]

Diolch Deb! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 10:09, 26 Gorffennaf 2012 (UTC)[ateb]

Ychwanegu erthyglau[golygu cod]

Dwi newydd dadwneud golygiadau Cathfolant am y rhesymau hyn:

  1. Mae'n gytundeb anysgrifenedig ers blynyddoedd i adael i Deb yn unig ddethol erthyglau i'w ychwanegu yma a hynny er mwyn osgoi dadleuon a gwrthdaro.
  2. Roedd yr erthyglau a ychwanegwyd yn cynnwys dau neu ragor a sgwenwyd rhai blynyddoedd yn ôl (gen i, fel mae'n digwydd!) ac felly doedden nhw ddim yn 'erthyglau newydd'.
  3. Roedd un erthygl o leiaf - wnes i ddim edrych ar bob erthygl - gyda nodyn arno i gywiro'r iaith ac yn dal i fod yn wallus.

Gobeithio bydd pawb yn cytuno felly mae'r peth gorau ydy cadw at yr hen drefn a pheidio ychwanegu erthyglau (oni bai fod Deb ar ei gwyliau) neu mi fydd yn draed moch arnom ni. Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 19:18, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

ON Dwi ddim yn rhoi unrhyw fai ar Cathfolant o gwbl a dwi'n derbyn mai golygiadau mewn ffydd dda oedden nhw, wrth gwrs. Esboniad nid cerydd ydy hyn. Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 19:22, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Cytunaf. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 19:58, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Oops, sorri. I do not mean to "own" the page, but I do think that we should try and get a representative sample and not list every single new article.Deb (sgwrs) 20:24, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
It does make sense to not add the ones that need to be corrected etc. - that is what we are doing, right? // Mae synnwyr peidio ychwanegu'r rhai sydd angen eu cywiro ac ati - dyma beth ryn ni'n wneud, yn dydy? Cathfolant (sgwrs) 20:48, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
I think the main point is that we all basically just leave it to Deb as it avoids editorial conflict and misunderstandings ("why isn't my article here?" etc). Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 20:57, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
@Cathfolant - Dim problem! Falch dy fod yn deall.
@Deb - No criticism of anybody, least of all yourself, just noting why I undid the changes by Cathfolant, who's relatively new here and didn't know about the criteria for inclusion. I think everyone's happy with the present long-established 'order' and your judicious choice of new articles. Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 20:53, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Os ddylai neb ar wahân i Deb ychwanegu erthyglau efallai dylid diogelu'r nodyn yn llwyr er mwyn osgoi camgymeriadau fel fy rhai? // If nobody but Deb should add articles maybe the template should be fully protected to avoid mistakes like mine? Cathfolant (sgwrs) 21:00, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
It's just an informal agreement and normally there's no problem so we've never seen any need to do that (can't recall the page being vandalised either, rather surprisingly). If we get lost of new editors all trying to add articles then clearly we might have to consider that purely to avoid inconvenience. Ond mae popeth yn iawn am rwan, dwi'n meddwl - a phaid a phoeni am dy "gamgymeriadau", Cathfolant, does dim niwed mawr wedi digwydd! Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 21:48, 19 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Crewyd yr erthygl hon yn 2007. Ddylai hi gael ei dileu o'r rhestr? Cathfolant (sgwrs) 18:14, 12 Gorffennaf 2014 (UTC)[ateb]

Torri yn ei hanner?[golygu cod]

@Deb: Helo Deb! Diolch am dy waith caled gyda hwn dros y blynyddoedd! I think it's grown over the years, and may well thrive better after a little prunning! Take a look at the hafan - there's always an empty space underneath 'Pigion' as a result of so many 'erthyglau newydd'. What do you think? Sian EJ (sgwrs) 13:02, 3 Hydref 2020 (UTC)[ateb]

I agree with @Sian EJ: here Deb. The number of new articles has become too long, imho! Less is more! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:26, 6 Hydref 2020 (UTC)[ateb]
Dw i'n hapus. Deb (sgwrs) 08:31, 19 Hydref 2020 (UTC)[ateb]
Hi there! Alwyn has left a note asking for the number of articles to be increased!!! So, maybe circ 35 would keep everyone happy? If you agree, the missing ones would be:

Diolch i ti! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 09:28, 23 Hydref 2020 (UTC)[ateb]